About Mary
I'm a Maryland-born girl who has lived in Arkansas for half her life (as of December 2019). I have been a voracious reader my whole life. I'm not exactly sure which book it was that began my love affair, but I know I always treasured it when mom would read books to us as littles. Family reading time is the best.
I fell in love with writing in fourth grade, when I wrote a kite-shaped poem about my mom for Mother's Day. I don't know what it was about that poem that planted the seed, but I've been writing ever since. As I got older, I began to dream of publishing stories. But it wasn't until my last year of college that the idea really began to feel real, to feel like it was possible.
I love all things yarn. I love to knit, crochet, spin wool into yarn. I've even designed a crocheted hat pattern. Mom first taught me how to crochet when I was a kid, and one of my first projects was a complicated Native American doll dress. No "easy" patterns for me!
When I'm not writing, reading, or knitting (and sometimes, even when I am) I'm snuggling with my kitties, Dusty and Mungojerrie. (Bonus points if you know where Mungojerrie's name comes from.)